To coincide with Your Healthiest Venture, and encourage #NovemberResolutions, we've decided to run a fun little campaign - whether you're able to sign up for the Program or not!
I will be giving away TWO of my One-On-One Health Coaching Packages, valued at $350 each. All you have to do to enter is follow @BusyHappyHealthy on Instagram and post an image of how you're working on your own #NovemberResolutions (CLICK HERE to learn more about what inspired the challenge).
Your resolutions are yours, so feel free to post anything and get creative. Just be sure to include the hashtag and also tag @BusyHappyHealthy somewhere in the image and copy of your Insta so we don't miss any of your wonderful entries. Winner will be selected at random on November 22nd!
Super excited to help make this the happiest and healthiest holiday season you've ever had!