4 Book Recommendations to Keep You Occupied During Holiday Downtime

Posted by Amina AlTai on

Take advantage of the time off that's headed your way by going offline and diving into a good book. It's a very healthy alternative to hiding behind a computer screen, and there are so many great reads out there that'll stimulate your mind and help kickstart a stellar 2017! Here are a few we'd recommend checking out:
A bhh favorite, and must-read book that pretty much anyone can benefit from. The Universe Has Your Back: Transform Fear to Faith offers an easy-to-follow roadmap that will place you on a guided path toward a better tomorrow. It'll help you identify the things that are keeping you from achieving happiness and contentment, in a simple but insightful way. Gabrielle Bernstein preaches that we must let go of fear and embrace faith. The book is a great reminder that instead of watching our miraculous lives pass us by, we should instead focus our efforts on finding inner peace. This is a quick read that'll leave you feeling centered and rejuvenated.
A semi-unconventional recommendation, but also a good read if you have any interest in psychology and understanding certain mental triggers. This book gives a neutral and intelligent analysis of behavior and brain development, not only focusing on addiction, but also the human mind's many mysteries in general. Chances are you are someone you know suffers from some form of addiction -- whether it is drugs, alcohol, food, or even fitness. There are countless forms of addiction and, rather than stigmatizing the disease, Maia Szalavitz breaks it down by analyzing multiple case studies and and sharing relevant facts in a digestible way. Definitely a mentally stimulating read that offers a non-judgmental, positive message. 
This book is brutally honest, hilarious, sensationally snarky and a spot on how-to guide that'll teach you to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life. Jen Sincero knows how to keep it real, which we certainly appreciate, while still sharing solid insights. It is a great read to kick off the New Year, focusing on internal transformation -- from your career to your relationships and overall state of wellbeing. Whimsically written, with relatable "real talk" this book is filled with inspiring stories, and mind-altering ideas that'll have you both laughing out loud and seriously thinking at the same time. 
So, this is more of a workbook for "grownups" than a good read, but its pages still hold serious value. Written by Rainn Wilson (yep, the guy who played Dwight Schrute on "The Office"), it is filled with semi-random, thought provoking activities that really activate the mind in an offbeat manner. Not only is SoulPancake fun to fill out but it'll also urge you to "chew on life's big questions" and analyze your overall existence. Why not do some clever soul searching during your holiday downtime by taking a new approach to figuring things out? It's also playful and therapeutic!
Other recommendations? Please do share! We'd love to know what's on your reading list this season. 
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