Our Favorite Natural PMS Remedies

Posted by Julia McVeigh on

Are you irritable, bloated, cramping up, headache-y, and generally out-of-whack come “that time” of the month? You’re not alone – a whopping 75% of women experience the signs and symptoms of PMS in their childbearing years. Although misery does love company, this doesn’t exactly alleviate your PMS pain -- and so you reach for Advil... and next month you're back to where you started.

It doesn't have to be this way, ladies. Ahead, we're sharing four of our favorite all-natural ways that not only alleviate your PMS symptoms this month, but will eradicate them for good. Read on!

Eat healthy fats.

Terrible PMS symptoms are often an indicator of an underlying hormone imbalance. Although OTC drugs can help alleviate the immediate symptoms of this imbalance – such as cramping – they do absolutely nothing to address the root problem. That’s where diet comes in. One of the easiest and most vital ways we can naturally balance our hormones is by eating plenty of healthy fats, as essential fatty acids are the fundamental building blocks when it comes to hormone production. We recommend chowing on fats like coconut oil, ghee, avocados, and wild-caught salmon.

Supplement with adaptogens.

Currently the darling of the wellness world, adaptogens are amazing resources that help the body adapt to stress, imbalance, and illness. Herbs like maca and ashwagandha are especially effective when it comes to balancing out hormones and alleviating painful PMS symptoms. But like any meaningful, long-term lifestyle change, integrating them into your diet won’t result in an immediate quick fix. We like to add a ½ teaspoon of Sun Potion Ashwagandha to our morning tea, coffee, or smoothie. The positive effects of this amount are cumulative; soon enough you'll find yourself PMS-free. 

Use clary sage essential oil.

The Ancient Egyptians used clary sage essential oil centuries ago to help with infertility; now modern research has cemented its status as a hormone regulator. One study with 22 post-menopausal women in their 50s – some of which were depressed – showed that inhaling diffused clary sage helped alleviate participants’ depression by lowering cortisol levels and improving thyroid hormone levels. Furthermore, another study showed that clary sage – along with lavender and marjoram – made an effective massage treatment to lessen the pain of menstrual cramping. 

Pop some magnesium.

Thanks to modern farming and industrial agriculture practices, many of us our magnesium deficient. (The mineral is often stripped from the soil.) It’s a shame when it comes to us ladies, as there is a slew of research that points to magnesium's ability to alleviate the symptoms of PMS. Magnesium has found to do everything from alleviate anxiety and depression to ease headaches, cravings, and breast pain. It’s no surprise, then, that in a 1997 review, women with the most severe PMS symptoms had diets that were magnesium deficient. So down some magnesium ASAP -- we like this one.  


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