Tagged "wellness hacks"

Seven Health Hacks to Implement Now

Posted by Julia McVeigh on

In the beginning of the year most of us have two things on the brain: Rebooting our health and taking a vacation. But with busy careers, weekends occupied by family, and the seemingly endless to-do list that is “life,” it’s often hard to a take a trip, let alone get a workout in. This is why easy-to-implement health hacks are our BFFs in the New Year. Ahead, we’re sharing seven of our favorites. 

Go on a Cab Strike


One of the simplest ways to improve your overall health is to generally become more active. While this seems easy enough, many of us think that it requires gym memberships, boxing gloves, or spinning shoes. Don’t overcomplicate things! Getting active can be as easy as walking more in your day-to-day existence. Begin by taking a “cab strike” – aka no taxis, period. Either take public transportation (which inherently requires more walking) or bike / walk from place to place. Use your smartphone or a step tracker and you’ll be shocked by just how much more active you’ve become.

Add Collagen Peptides to Your Morning Smoothie


As we get older, our collagen production naturally declines, something which anti-aging skincare commercials are sure to remind us again and again. But aside from losing skin elasticity and resilience, diminished collagen production can have negative impacts on both joint and bone health. Cue: Collagen peptides. These powdered supplements contain the amino acids necessary to produce more collagen and keep skin, joints, and bones healthy. We love Vital Proteins – an odorless, tasteless version sourced from grass-fed, pasture-raised bovine hides – and prefer adding it to our AM smoothie, yogurt, or oatmeal.

Make Your Desk a Standing Desk


Research says sitting can kill you. But if you have a job that requires computer time, meetings, and a generally sedentary lifestyle, it’s hard to sidestep that scary reality. Why not opt for a standing desk, then? While there are plenty of options available online, we prefer to do the old-fashioned version: Stacking some thick, coffee table books on our desk. Try doing intervals of 20 minutes standing, 10 minutes sitting to begin and gradually work up to more standing time. Added points if you listen to some music and shake your booty.

Instead of Milk, Infuse Your Coffee with Coconut Oil

We all hear that we should be eating plenty of healthy fats to boost our immune system, gain more energy, and rev up our metabolism. But sometimes, our beloved cup of coffee is all we want in the morning. In lieu of cream, then, try stirring in a couple of teaspoons of coconut oil into your java each morning to get that blast of good fat. Added bonus: It still lends your coffee that rich, creamy consistency you’re craving.

Start Using Your Body Weight While You Wait

A photo posted by Karlie Kloss (@karliekloss) on


You don’t need a pair of dumbbells to build muscle and lean out. Using your own body weight to exercise is a fantastic way to kick-start getting in shape, plus you can do it anywhere (read: while waiting for dinner to be ready). Need some inspiration? We recommend basic old pushups (they’re hard!), squats (head here to see what good form looks like), and planks as good beginning moves. Try doing three circuits of ten pushups, ten squats, and one minute in plank position and we dare you not feel accomplished – and sore – the next day.

Add Turmeric to (Almost) Everything


The benefits of eating turmeric are seemingly endless – it has anti-inflammatory properties, it’s a natural detoxifier, and it can even help boost your metabolism. It’s also lends a vaguely Eastern, not-too-spicy zip to any dish with just a couple of dashes. We love it on roasted veggies, in stews and in chili, and – surprise! – in our scrambled eggs (it really enhances the yellow color, natch). Or take a cue from Jeannette Ogden and stir some into your oatmeal! 

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