Where Career Changers Go Wrong

Hi friends,

Nothing makes me sadder than folks who summoned the courage to leave a tough work situation only to find themselves in a tougher one. As I hear story after story on my sales consults, I often feel a pit in my stomach and wish I could turn back time to coach these folks through their pivots. 

Because pivoting, whether it’s into a new job or your own business, IS AN ART.

In my coaching practice, I teach the art of a powerful pivot because I was once told to “leap and the net would appear,” and it didn’t, and it majorly sucked. I landed hard on my a$$, and I don’t want that for you. 

There are several very intentional steps we take to set you up for a powerful next level.

It’s about understanding your gifts, values, finances, belief system, subconscious programming, and so much more. While this is the work we do in my coaching programs, if I could give you three pieces of advice to support a powerful pivot, they would be:

  1. Decide that you’re worthy of the dream. Much of my work with clients is giving them “permission” to have their dreams. Usually, there is a deep desire inside of us that we dismiss. We ask ourselves, “who am I to have what I really want?” But, who are you not to? Give yourself permission to say the dream out loud. If you don’t allow yourself to say it, how can you allow yourself to have it? Take a few moments to jot down the dream for this next career phase, and please don’t censor yourself. 

  2. Get clear on what is getting in the way from both a tactical and mindset perspective. Ever heard the adage, “everywhere we go, there we are?” Well, it’s the truth. And when we change jobs or start our own businesses, we bring along our baggage and our blocks. Ask yourself, what has been getting in the way of me having the career I desire? What conditions aren’t allowing me to thrive? Where is my own mindset getting in the way?

  3. Know your must-haves and deal-breakers: Before I left corporate America for good, I took one last role as head of marketing for a large beauty and wellness company. I wanted that title so badly that I didn’t do my due diligence and vet it thoroughly enough. I thought it was the dream, but really it was a shiny object masquerading as the dream. Make a list of your must-haves, deal-breakers, and nice-to-haves for your next role. The objective here is not to conflate the nice-to-haves with the must-haves as I did. 

To pivoting into your purpose!
Amina xx

And if you're ready to pivot powerfully, you might want to explore my group program Authenticity Pays Accelerator


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