Tagged "heart wall"

The Ins & Outs of Emotional Energy Clearing: An Interview with Dr. Josh Eha, DAOM, L.Ac

Posted by Amina AlTai on

Have you ever felt like you’re doing everything right with your life but not seeing the results you’d hoped for?  You’re eating clean and 100% organic, but you’re still plagued by stomach issues.  You’ve got financial integrity and a solid career but still can’t reach your savings or career goals.  You’re a wonderful human, but love seems to evade you.  Sound anything like your life?  Me too!

I’ve shared openly on the blog about my autoimmune diseases (celiac and hashimotos in the house!) and occasionally, despite my 110% effort (mental, physical and emotional!) I would have major setbacks in the way of bacterial infections, chronic fatigue and general annoyances.  What is up with that?

But there was something else.  It didn’t matter how hard or how much effort I put into things, I always seemed to be in the same place.  Now, you might say, "That’s a matter of perception.”  And after years of looking at it that way and seeing the glass half full, I shared my story with my great friend and gifted healer, Deganit Nuur.  I’ve mentioned Deganit on the blog before and I can’t sing her praises enough.  A brilliant acupuncturist and intuitive healer, she’s always made sure my chakras were as healthy as the rest of me.  At the end of one of our recent sessions I made a casual off-handed comment about my career and she looked at me and said, “That’s a spiritual thing and you need to call my friend and colleague, Josh, ASAP.” 

So, like any good patient, I scurried out of her office, googled Dr Josh Eha, DAOM, L.Ac of Midwest Specialty Acupuncture and booked an appointment for Emotional Energy Clearing right away.  (Note: I grew up in a very scientific, allopathic household.  The daughter of cardiovascular surgeon and ICU nurse, we ALWAYS looked at the physical body and never talked about the spirit.  And some of you may roll your eyes at this, but there is a very real connection that needs to be explored for “perfect” health and it took me a long time to realize that.)

Not sure what to expect, I dug through his website to learn more. In its simplest form, emotions, when not dealt with properly, can be stored in the body and can cause disease.  According to Josh, “Emotional Energy Clearing is the fastest, cleanest, most effective way to free ourselves from toxic emotional baggage.  By taking advantage of the Chinese meridian system, we can bypass the shifty ego and its mind games to pinpoint and release trapped emotions directly. We do not have to rely on our own limited understanding to facilitate the release of trapped emotions. Our vast potential for healing lies within, even if the mind does not see it. We are like a supercomputer with faulty programming.  Once we remove the disturbing program, our meridian system will do the work for us!”  Sounds simple, right?

My first session rolled around and I was blown away by what happened.  I booked a second, then a third and then a fourth session with this very gifted human.  I was so inspired and intrigued by it all, I asked Dr. Josh if he would do an interview with us at BHH so we could share his knowledge and powerful perspective with all of you.  And here it is: 

AA: So what is Emotional Energy Clearing?

 JE: Our suffering comes from judgements, and judgements result in emotions that don’t flow with the rest of the systems and then can distort things physically and makes us feel disconnected and give us disease.

AA: Who needs EEC and who should see you? 

JE: People normally come in with specific emotional or psychological concerns, but it can also be used for physical issues.  Physical symptoms can arise from traumatic situations.  I even work with children and fetuses. 

Morning sickness is a common concern and usually has to do with the connection between the mother and baby.  Facilitating the connection can facilitate the sickness.  There can even be a judgement at birth that effects everything from there on.  For example, a toxic chemical environment in mom’s womb can create a judgement and cause you to perceive the physical world as toxic and you could project that onto the world.  

Most of my referrals are for energy work dealing with the mental, emotional, spiritual aspects all at once.  I can recognize disorder on many levels all at one time.  I work with a lot of chronic difficult cases where the system has failed. Or certain aspects of a personality that block them from getting over a hump. 

AA: In our sessions, we’re done quite a bit of past life work.  Can you talk more about that?

JE: Certain preprograms are karmic or ancestral and the spirit or higher self has to be okay with working with that.  

AA: What/who is our higher self?

JE: Our higher self is the part of us that is connected to truth.  Truth is eternal and it expands our viewpoint from the right now to the eternal.  It's the breath of God—the part of us that remains constantly conscious throughout our entire lives and all of our existences.  It’s not as selfish as our consciousness.  It’s the part of us that’s always connected to joy and love and knows our infallibility as divine beings.   

AA: How do you connect to our higher selves?

JE: I enter peripheral awareness and I enter this state to be perceptive.  Have you ever looked at an object without fully focusing on it and it then allowed you to see everything else around you with more clarity? It’s like that.  But before I do any work, I connect my higher self to my patients higher self and visualize those energies hugging. It creates a connection we can then work from.

AA: In our sessions, you’ve mentioned my vibrations a lot and where I’m specifically calibrated.  How do you feel peoples’ vibrations?  Can you talk a bit more about that?

JE: I’ve studied the work of Dr. David R. Hawkins, MD, PhD.  He basically developed a “map” of the levels of human consciousness (also called the Scale of Consciousness) that uses a muscle-testing technique called Applied Kinesiology to document the nonlinear, spiritual realm. Each level of consciousness coincides with particular behaviors and perceptions.  The nature of the mind is to solve problems on the outside but, for things on the inside, we use a different side of ourselves and that's the heart. There can be certain emotions or energy blocking our chakras or creating heart walls, and that’s where the disease happens. 

(Note: The research was scientifically validated and published in Dr. Hawkins’ doctoral dissertation titled Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis and Calibrations of the Level of Human Consciousness, an elaborate discussion of the Scale of Consciousness and its significance as outlined in his groundbreaking book, Power vs. Force: The Anatomy of Consciousness (Veritas Publishing, 1995).)

AA: We’ve done some “heart wall” work in our sessions.  Can you talk a bit about what that is?

JE: Almost everyone has a heart wall. Only a couple children or enlightened people I’ve come across don’t have heart walls.  Heart walls are built when we recognize that we're not successful at loving all the time, which isolates us.  We build them as a protective mechanism and because we listen to the ego.  The ego says we can suffer loss, be hurt, that it’s not okay to be vulnerable—that we're separate.  And it’s that voice that puts up a buffer.  

AA: What other big blocks do you see today?

JE: I see a lot of blocked chakras.  There can be blocks in mental, emotional and universal fields.  But the heart and chakras are the most common.   

AA: How do most people feel after a session?  What should they expect?

JE: It’s highly variable. Some people shift right away and others can take time.  It depends on what’s at play—sometimes there is more work to do.  But generally speaking, people will feel lighter, more forgiving and accepting—softer, more flexible.  People usually can connect more fully to others and don’t feel so isolated.  Some people feel almost effervescent—like we're spirit, like we're whole, like we're bigger.   

AA: Anything else you’d like to share or for us to know about your work? 

JE:  It's important for us to nurture our spirit.  We don’t get told that very much and we don’t feel like we have the program to do that right.   

AA: How do you nurture your spirit? 

JE: Meditation first and foremost. I also do Qi Gong—a moving mediation to get my mind out of the way so my body can be become a listening vessel.  

AA: How can the rest of us nurture our spirits?

JE: Meditation is great.  You can also use yoga or dance again to move your mind out of the way. Prayer and religious practices also nurtures the spirit. Really anything that makes our inner child jump for joy. 

For more information on Dr. Josh Eha or to book an appointment, click here

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