Tagged "travel snacks"

My Go-To Healthy Travel Snacks

Posted by Amina AlTai on

Travel hits an all-time high during the winter months.  Thanksgiving and Christmas bear the title of worst travel days thanks to busy roadways, airports, bad weather and delays.  Plus, when we arrive at our destination, our usual go-to healthy foods might be in short supply.  So, it's super important to plan ahead and bring your own snacks when you can.  Here's a selection of my favorites:

1. Simple Protein Bars: These gluten-free, vegan, low glycemic bars are my jam!  They have 16 grams of protein and many of the flavors only have one gram of sugar.  I opt for the soy protein variety, but if you aren't vegan or don't have a dairy sensitivity, the whey options are great too.  

2. Vermont Jerky:  If you're a meat eater and are looking for a solid on-the-go protein boost, these individually wrapped jerky are a great option.  They come in a variety of flavors such as chipotle and honey mustard and also boast a variety of protein sources.


3. Nuun Hydration Tabs:  Airline travel can be super dehydrating. Plus, if you've planned an active vacation, you're going to want to make sure your electrolytes stay balanced and these gluten-free, dairy-free and soy-free tabs are a great way to do that.  With flavors like citrus, lime and berry plus options for the extra active among us, there really is something for everyone.  

4.  Go Hunza Himalayan Trail Mix: This is not your average trail mix.  Loaded with goodies like goji berries, cacao, dried bilberries, apricot kernels and more—this mix is an antioxidant powerhouse that balances out healthy carbohydrates with proteins thanks to the nut content.  This one is so delish even the kids will love it.  

5. Protein Bites: One of the most challenging meals for me when I travel is breakfast.  There aren't juice bars or smoothies galore in every city (yet!) so I often bring along protein bites because they make for a great snack and can double as a good breakfast too.  They're protein-rich and easy on the old taste buds. 

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