As much as we love feeling good in our own skin (and let's be real, looking good in our fave swim suit) sometimes, working out is the pits. And no matter how much you amp yourself up, you'd rather just nextflix and chill. Sometimes we need a fitness miracle to snap us out our funk. But if working out felt like going out, we be racing to the treadmill like it was a sale at Lululemon. Here are a few of my fave coaching tips to get you from coach-surfing to curls in no time at all.
Make a killer playlist
We all have that one awesome playlist on our phone, usually saved under GNO. Well, dust it off and put it on full blast! Music has the power to alter our moods. In fact, new research suggests that even sad music can lift our moods and get us motivated. So crank up the tunes! P.S A great set of headphones, like these uber cool ones above, doesn't hurt either)
Workout with a friend
We've heard this before, but it really works. Those who start a new workout routine with a partner, are 40% more likely to stick to the routine than those who go it alone. Friends don't let friends lose muscle mass.
Find a workout you love
It's true of jobs and workouts, find something you love and it will never be work. If you hate running, don't do it. If you're flexible and love yoga, you can find a balanced routine within that. If strength training gives you a rise, find a local facility that specializes in that. The best way to find one or two or even three workouts you love, is to try a variety first. Getting a free pass to a local gym to try classes or even using ClassPass is a great way to test out a variety before committing.