I don't know about your, but 2018 has been a year. It feels a bit like five years stuffed into 365 days. And you, like many of my clients, might be ready to turn the page and be done with this one. I hear you, I see you, I feel you.
This year I launched my Digital course, I filmed a pilot, I wrote a book, I shot a speaking reel, I coached over a dozen incredible souls one-on-one, I lead Fortune 100 companies to major shifts towards thrive culture, I wrote for MindbodyGreen, Thrive and Medium, I supported the launch of three super groundbreaking wellness businesses, I deepened some amazing friendships (you know who you are), I took several amazing trips, got in some loving fam time, and I lost my aunt, my uncle and my grandpa. It's been a year.
What I've noticed in conversations and in sessions though, is that people can have a tendency to associate hard with bad. This year was hella hard. Especially, losing one of the people I love most in the universe, but hard has been the biggest blessing of my life. Hard has cracked me open, allowed me to feel deeper, think bigger and reminded me of my own grace and greatness. Hard is a gift—we just need to pull back the layers on it to see it. We need a moment to witness and honor where we have been, who we have been and how we've shown up. And only then, when we've really SEEN ourselves, can we start to think about turning the page.
So, as we head into 2019, I invite you to do the following exercise to take inventory of what this year has been and who you've been in it. It's a powerful way to honor your greatness, let go of what no longer serves you, and take the best of you into your new year and journey.
2019 Intention Setting Exercise
I recommend starting with a little celebration. Take a moment to witness where you won big this year and what the circumstances were that supported these big wins. And then I want you to think about where you might have missed the mark and what you want to release as a result.
Celebrate: What were your big wins in 2018? Celebrate your high highs. |
Release: What do you want to let go of from 2018? Honor and release any shame from your lows. |
You can put your celebration list on your altar, your fridge or somewhere you'll see it. I also recommend releasing the list of what you want to let go of by tearing it up or br
Now, I want you to think big picture for 2019. I invite you to think of your broader mission and vision and how you're doing to bring it to life. You can do this for one specific area of your life, or all areas.
1. My Mission Is…. |
2. My Big Juicy Vision Is… |
3. Who do you want to BE this year? What do you need to heal or transform to BE this version of you in 2019? |
4.What do you want to create this year and for whom? |
5. How do you want it to take shape?
6. What next steps do you need to take to become this version of you and serve how you want to serve? What do you need to do over the next 30 days, 60 days, 90 days?
7. What resources do you need to bring this to life? How can you creatively access or manifest these resources?
My 2019 Mantra Is: